Choose from a menu of furnishings - tables, chairs, accessories and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- other fun things - by clicking on any button of the menu. Click on a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- specific item you fancy, and voila - it's placed in your room! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- If you want to move a certain item on top of another, just move your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- mouse over it. The item will automatically come up to the front . Use --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- this trick to arrange items in the right order! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Change the color scheme of your room by moving the slider! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You can put your new selection anywhere - just drag it around the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- room to find a perfect spot. And if you don't like it, simply throw it in a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- trashcan and see what happens! --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- When you are done decorating, click the "Finish" button, and we will --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- not only show you the results of your labors, we will even tell you a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- little about your design personality. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sounds good? --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Then, close this help and go back to play the game!